L'ISM présente l'égyptologue Edmund Meltzer : « L'éternel-féminin nous attire vers le haut »
mar. 22 oct.
Une exploration de l’interaction entre le Divin et le Féminin Humain dans la tradition égyptienne antique.

Heure et lieu
22 oct. 2024, 20:30 – 22:00
À propos de l'événement
The last line of Goethe's Faust encapsulates the main thrust of this talk/discussion. We will survey the main interfaces between the human and divine Feminine, and the interrelationships among different goddesses and queens (who often embody the divine Feminine) in the ancient Egyptian tradition. In the process, we will look at relevant features of major literary narratives such as the story of Sinuhe and Late Egyptian tales (which often partake of what we generally regard as fairy tales and folktales), such as the Two Brothers and the Doomed Prince. We will touch on the interfaces with later, familiar tales, which are often obvious to the modern reader.
Bio: Edmund Meltzer received his PhD in Near Eastern Studies from the University of Toronto. He worked as a site supervisor on the Akhenaten Temple Project–East Karnak Excavation and as an ARCE Fellow, and has taught at the University of North Carolina—Chapel…